
All Levels

Sharpening Planes And Chisels

with Bruce Helart

Sunday, March 16, 11 AM - 2:30 PM

We will make sharpening easier and eliminate all the mystery and confusion. Attendees will learn how to bring a blade to razor sharp quickly and consistently. In this three hour session we will discuss and compare the various sharpening methods including water stones, natural stones, sand paper, diamond plates and stropping. We will cover sharpening by hand with as well as various power sharpening tools and methods. We will also compare sharpening jigs and their use and setup. We will also discuss bevel angles for various tools and the benefits and trade-offs of these options. This will be a combination of discussion and hands on work. Much of the time will be dedicated to sharpening, Each student will have the opportunity to sharpen some of their own planes and chisels. I've been woodworking with hand tools for 30+ years and I've used with most every sharpening system out there. Sharpening is simple when the basics are understood and the process is repeatable and fast.



All Levels

Ultimate Epoxy Experience

with Jess Crow

Part 1: Saturday, April 5, 9 AM - 1 PM

Part 2: Sunday, April 6, 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Students who register for this class will receive 8+ hours of in-depth instruction from Jess Crow, one of the nation's leading epoxy artistic woodworking innovators. Topics covered include using molds, making molds, mixing colorants and resin, conducting deep pours, de-molding projects, sanding, and applying a final epoxy finish. You will be working on two projects throughout this class. One will be a multi-layered pour you will work over the two days and one will be done the first day of class and demolded the second day (weather and temperature permitting.) Tuition includes the $50 material fee.



All Levels

Epoxy River-Style Round Tray

with Jess Crow

Saturday, April 5, 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Join Jess Crow, one of the nation's leading epoxy artistic woodworking innovators, for this brand-new class. You will learn how to create a river-style round that can be used as a clock, serving tray, Lazy Susan, or whatever your imagination can dream. Once you learn the concept you will be able to apply the techniques to whatever size or shape item you want. Jess will guide you through the river-style process including how to prepare a live-edge slab* and save on wood and epoxy using her “less is more” method. You will also learn about adding custom colors and designs, selecting and pouring the proper resin, and more! *Note: You will not use a live-edge slab in this class. Instead, you will learn Jess’ signature technique to conserve epoxy while having the look of a live river. During the class there will be a complete walkthrough on how to build a live-edge river table and a syllabus will be available covering both techniques. Tuition includes the $35 material fee.



All Levels

Epoxy End Table

with Jess Crow

Sunday, April 6, 9 AM - 1 PM

Ready to make an epoxy end table? Jess will cover using multiple pigments, inks, and mica powders in this class to create your own captivating one-of-a-kind 15" end table. Learn skills that will propel your future epoxy projects to the next level, including the "no sanding" technique, color dispersion methods, and how to achieve stunning edges. This is a great class to bring a friend or partner to! Tuition includes the $25 material fee.



Build An Electric Guitar

with Fritz Borchardt

Part 1: Friday, May 2, 5 PM - 9 PM

Part 2: Saturday, May 3, 12 PM - 5 PM

Part 3: Sunday, May 4, 12 PM - 5 PM

Part 4: Saturday, May 24, 12 PM - 5 PM

Part 5: Sunday, May 25, 12 PM - 5 PM

Designed for a beginner, this intensive 5-day course will teach you the skills needed to build a basic, “T” style electric guitar. We provide all the materials for the body and include an assembled neck and hardware to complete the guitar. (At the instructor’s discretion you may be able use your own materials. You will need to purchase the items separately following approval.) During the first 3 days you will use table saw, jointer, planer, clamps, drum sander, router/router table, drill press, hand sanders, and other hand tools to build the body, set the neck and install the hardware. Following a guitar finish discussion, you are responsible for applying a finish your guitar body (and neck if needed) before returning for the final 2 days where the guitar will be completed including installation of the electronics. (You provide the finishing materials. The 10% class discount would apply to items purchased in the store.)


All Levels

Sharpening Planes And Chisels

with Bruce Helart

Saturday, May 17, 11 AM - 2:30 PM

We will make sharpening easier and eliminate all the mystery and confusion. Attendees will learn how to bring a blade to razor sharp quickly and consistently. In this three hour session we will discuss and compare the various sharpening methods including water stones, natural stones, sand paper, diamond plates and stropping. We will cover sharpening by hand with as well as various power sharpening tools and methods. We will also compare sharpening jigs and their use and setup. We will also discuss bevel angles for various tools and the benefits and trade-offs of these options. This will be a combination of discussion and hands on work. Much of the time will be dedicated to sharpening, Each student will have the opportunity to sharpen some of their own planes and chisels. I've been woodworking with hand tools for 30+ years and I've used with most every sharpening system out there. Sharpening is simple when the basics are understood and the process is repeatable and fast.