Hand Tools Woodworking Fundamentals
with Robert StebbinsPart 1: Tuesday, September 10, 6 PM - 9 PM
Part 2: Wednesday, September 11, 6 PM - 9 PM
Part 3: Tuesday, September 17, 6 PM - 9 PM
Part 4: Thursday, September 19, 6 PM - 9 PM
Part 5: Tuesday, September 24, 6 PM - 9 PM
Part 6: Thursday, September 26, 6 PM - 9 PM
This comprehensive hand tools woodworking class is designed for beginners and woodworking enthusiasts who want to develop proficiency in using hand tools and learn fundamental joinery techniques. Participants will start by mastering essential hand tools, progressing from understanding their functions to honing their skills. In the latter part of the course, students will apply their newfound knowledge to craft a box, practicing various joinery techniques along the way. This course will run for 3 weeks, meeting twice a week in 3 hours session.