16 ways to put the squeeze on unusual projects
Whoever first said you can never have too many clamps may have just been one bar clamp short when gluing up a case for a cabinet job. It seems you could always use another. But when I think about that phrase, specific-use clamps come to mind. Sure, we have a lot of F-style clamps, pipe clamps, parallel jaw clamps, quick grips, and maybe even some spring clamps and handscrews. But traditional clamps don’t always fit the bill when you need something more job-specific to bring your unique projects together. With that in mind, I’ve corralled a handful of must-have specialty clamps to add to your collection.

$39.98 | #6210

Bora 90° Quick Release Corner Clamp
The die-cast aluminum jaws are great for gluing corner joints or holding workpieces for drilling. Bolt the unit to a surface for increased stability. The handles pivots 90° for added torque when tightening.
$44.99 | #157914

WoodRiver 3" Edgeband Spring Clamp
Combining the mobility of spring clamps, and the flexibility of rubber bands, these are perfect for edgebanding plywood shelves. But they’re also handy for odd jobs like wrangling extension cords.
$7.99 | #182796

Bessey Face Frame Cabinetry Clamp
Designed to hold faceframes of side-by-side cabinets together and flush during installations. It fits 11⁄2"- to 2"-wide stiles up to 11⁄4" thick. Plus there’s a pilot-hole drilling guide on one end.
$29.99 | #162956

WoodRiver 6" Quick Vise
Attach this portable vise to your bench using T-track clamps (p. 29) for a simple set-up. Non-marring jaws with “V” notches hold various shapes tightly and release using the quick-action lever.
$39.99 | #182067

Milescraft FenceClamps
Best friend to any auxiliary fence. The arm fits into a 3⁄8" hole, eliminating feed interference at the table saw or router table. They come in pairs but use one for stops or step-off blocks.
$13.99 | #169340

WoodRiver 4-Way Pressure Clamping System
Keeping edge-glued panels such as cutting boards and tabletops flat and flush is fast and easy with this clamping system. Screw the clamps to any length of 2 × 2 to apply four-way pressure on stock up to 6" thick.
$44.99 | #125392

EHOMA 71⁄2" T-Track Clamp w/Ratcheting Handle
Just as versatile as the clamp above but with a nifty handle. Its ratcheting operation works well as a quick hold-down for many different tasks, making it a cinch to pinch parts or pieces.
$33.99 | #183509

WoodRiver Quick Bar T-Track Clamp—6"
Another small T-track clamp but with the same action design as quick-grip bar clamps. Like others in this group, the non-marring clamp pad secures your project without harming its surface.
$19.99 | #183864