Show Off: Issue 7

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Projects from Our Readers

“Tekno-Deco” Wall Cabinet

William McDowell, Syracuse, N.Y.
McDowell combines his contemporary “Tekno-Deco” signature look with the rich colors of quilted maple, curly maple and quarter-sawn wenge to create a handsome wall cabinet for jewelry. The two-door cabinet measures 7" x 18" x 26".

Cradle for Twins

Gail O’Rourke, Plymouth, Mass.
O’Rourke made this cradle as a holiday gift for her best friend’s newborn twin girls, using ash and red oak. She joined the base with mortise and through-tenon, and secured the rails to the sides with rabbet joints. The finish is gel stain with a shellac top coat. O’Rourke, a twin herself, has twins and is the daughter of a twin, making this project especially exciting for her.

Bottle Stoppers

A.J. Hamler, Williamstown, W.Va.
Hamler plans to spend this holiday season at the lathe turning dozens of his bottle stoppers. These six – in curly maple, purpleheart, padauk and Macassar ebony – are only a start.

Scrimshaw on Ivory

James Clay, Marblemount, Wash.
Fossilized Mastodon ivory is the medium Clay used to create this scrimshaw image of a bald eagle in flight. A lilac bush in Clay’s backyard provided the material for this driftwood-like mount.

Pepper And Salt Mill Set

Jim Shaver, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Shaver created this pepper and salt mill set out of madrone burl to give to his best friend for Christmas. Each mill came from a different piece of wood for a different color.

Well/Fountain x 2

Don Paine, Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Paine created this miniature “Fountain Well with Light” as a 1/12 scale model prototype for his full-size working “Well/Fountain” made of cedar and oak. Slightly tilting buckets in both are designed to serve as “fountains.” Wiring and plumbing in the large well are hidden in an upright structure with an easily opened door for necessary access.
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