Getting Sharp: Grow your community this year

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Grow your community this year

Woodworking can be a solitary affair when you’re deep in the midst of a project. 

And it may feel downright lonely at the end of a year when, despite your best efforts, you’re juggling multiple gift projects with a close eye on the big day. But we don’t get where we’re going on our woodworking journey entirely by ourselves. Experienced craftspeople help us along the way. We may get this guidance from a family member, a class instructor, or a member of our local club. Wherever they turn up, they are part of a community of crafters that help us learn and grow to the point where, in turn, we can teach others. In addition to this shoulder-to-shoulder work, we can find fellowship in the many quality instructional videos available these days. We also have access to mounds of valuable information in the form of books and magazines.

As for this magazine, part of our new year’s resolution is to better engage with readers and grow our community. We are embarking on another great year; we have planned much to be excited about. But this is your magazine, too, and we want to hear from you. Take this opportunity to be a part of the Woodcraft Magazine woodworking community. Share a tip or trick to help your fellow woodworker. Ask a question of the many experts among us. Send us photos of what you’ve been working on. Or, simply tell us what you think of this issue’s contents.

Spark imagination and build excitement while helping Santa down the chimney, counting the days until Christmas (p. 48). The meat tenderizing mallet (p. 38) will no doubt satiate the cooks on your list. Give the gifts of comfort and warmth with the fireside stool on page 42. A fun and festive scrollsaw sled (p. 22) holds holiday treats. Or grow a loved one’s interest in reading with the cleverly designed book tree on page 31. And, while you’re at it, why not buy a little something nice for your hardworking router (p. 25)?

So get in touch. Check the list below for myriad ways to connect. Make it your resolution to grow our woodworking community. Join in to help the next generation of woodworkers start the year—and their woodworking journey—off right!

Share your ideas.

We love hearing from readers! And there are all kinds of reasons to get in touch with the crew at Woodcraft Magazine. Check out the details below.

General information:

4420 Emerson Ave., Suite A

P.O. Box 7020

Parkersburg, WV 26102


Submit an article idea:

Do you have a story idea? We’d love to hear about it. To find out how to submit a project or technique article, email us at and put “Submission” in the subject line.

Share a slick tip to win cash or a prize.

Here’s your chance to help someone become a better woodworker and get rewarded for the effort. Published submissions become the property of Woodcraft Magazine.

Email us at and put “Tips & Tricks” in the subject line or visit, and click on Contact.

Important: Please include your phone number, as an editor may need to call you if your trick is considered for publication.

Have a tough woodworking question?

We’ll do our best to find the expert and provide the answer. Email us at and put “Expert Answers” in the subject line.

News & Views:

This catch-all column is where we do our best to correct mistakes, publish feedback from readers, and share other noteworthy news items. It’s easy to participate in this discussion. Just email us at and put “N&V” in the subject line.

Share photos of your projects:

We’d like to see what you’re building. 

To show off your work send your photos to, or find us on social media.

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