A furniture class at Brigham Design Workshop and Training Center in Paso Robles, California, is like no other that you may have experienced.
The Setting
First let’s discuss the setting – the workshop overlooks acres and acres of vineyards in wine country California, with a wrap-around porch to provide the perfect view while working or taking breaks from instruction. The simple lines of the rustic-sided workshop mimic the clean lines of Jory Brigham’s furniture designs. This beautiful backdrop, along with the fresh, clean air flowing through the work area and blue skies overhead, makes learning from a master even more inspiring.
The Instructor
A lifelong woodworker and craftsman, Jory Brigham learned many of his early skills growing up with generations of his family already invested in the craft. As he became more accomplished and began to explore his own creativity, he found that his designs were inspired by both old and new, yet maintained a classic aesthetic.
The Class
The two-and-a-half-day courses – typically taught over a Friday, Saturday and half day Sunday – are designed for up to eight people. A firm believer that building furniture should not be intimidating, Jory’s philosophy is to energize and encourage those who take his classes to be creative and find their own unique style.
Students learn a variety of techniques while building a custom piece of furniture, designed by Jory specifically for that class. Joined by two other instructors to give each student plenty of attention, Jory focuses on fundamentals as well as new approaches to those skills. They may cover everything from traditional woodworking like joinery, router work, glue-up, and bandsaw use to learning about incorporating concrete or steel into a piece of furniture.

Jory teaches fundamentals as well as new approaches to those skills.

The instructional pace in the workshop is informative, but also laid-back and maybe a bit unconventional at times. That creative space allows each student to come away with a different piece than the person beside him. It also feels like a weekend with good friends in an amazing workshop.
“Whether you are in the cabinetry business, a DIY homeowner or an accountant who happens to enjoy working with his hands, we intend to send you home excited to utilize the ideas and skills learned over the weekend,” Jory said. “We want to show these folks they can turn their ideas into something tangible and rewarding.”
The Details
To learn more about Brigham Design Workshops, check out the website at jorybrighamworkshop.com. You will see when classes are available, what you’ll learn, what to wear, and where to stay. Important details like meals are also covered on the site – lunch is provided each day and they host a BBQ on the workshop property after class Friday evening! Dinner is provided Saturday night also, or you may choose to venture out to one of the wonderful restaurants in the area. Sign up online and reserve your spot in Jory’s next class!
The Contest
But wait, there’s more!
If this sounds like the weekend of your dreams, you have a chance to WIN A CLASS in “The Jory Brigham Experience – California Dreaming Sweepstakes” sponsored by Woodcraft, SawStop and Jory Brigham Design. The winner and a guest will get to attend a class, take home a piece of custom furniture, and win a SawStop professional saw and accessories. The Grand Prize is valued at $10,000!
And there are several more chances to win with additional prizes. Entries will be accepted in Woodcraft stores, online at woodcraft.com/californiadreaming, or by mail-in, from October 1 to November 30, 2016. See full contest details and rules here.

We hope you’ll be inspired!