WoodRiver Deluxe Coping Sled - Product Overview

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 The work piece is held captive beneath the jig to minimize splintering of the wood and keep hands at a safe distance. A clear fence guide has three positions – 1-3/8", 1" and slotted for small miters or custom offsets. The fence also has a set of three spacers to match up to your router table fence. The clamping block will accommodate material up to 5-1/4" wide and 13/16" thickness and a pair of large handles are positioned on each side of the work piece to maintain control and keep hands away from the spinning router bit.


• Material up to 13/16" thick rides directly on table surface below jig base

• Easily adjusts for material up to 5-1/4" wide including backer board

• Fence guide tracks along router table fence rather than miter slot

• Includes spacers to adjust for router table fence height

• Large handles are positioned on each side of work piece for precise control

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