Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades

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Timberwolf blades not only give an excellent cut, but when properly installed, the lowered tension means they're easier on your bandsaw, something of true importance on smaller bandsaws with lighter duty necks.

Setting Up to Use Timberwolf Bandsaw Blades

1. Remove guides--you CANNOT run this test if the band saw blade is restricted in any lateral movement. 

2. Make sure tire surfaces are in good condition--they cannot be hard, flattened out, cracked or brittle. On mills with loose fitting V-belts, replace them with the next size down so they are tight fitting. This will eliminate over 80% of the vibration in your mill and the blade. 

3. Mount the blade on the machine and apply the tension to the band that the manufacturer recommends for other steels. 

4. Close all covers for safety purposes. 

5. Start the machine, engage the clutch into the high speed cutting mode. NOTE: You will not be cutting any wood. 

6. Stand at the head of the machine, with your hand on the turn screw tensioner and your eyes on the band saw blade. Very slowly start detensioning by half turns at a time, keeping your eyes on the band saw blade. The object is to bring the tension of the blade down to a point that the blade starts to flutter. TAKE YOUR TIME. 

7. When you see the band start to flutter, you have hit ground "ZERO". Now start ADDING quarter turns of tension, SLOWLY, until the band stops fluttering and is running stable again. At this point ADD one-eight to one-quarter turn of tension. 

8. You have now tensioned our blade correctly. Shut off the machine and put your guides back in place. You are now ready to start sawing. 

9. ALWAYS DETENSION YOUR BAND SAW BLADES. Since you do not know exactly where the proper tension is, it will be easier to remember if you take off 8, 9, or 10 full turns of tension until the band is completely relaxed. The next time you use our bands, add the same amount of turns of tension that were taken off. At this point, you will only have to run the flutter test one time.

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