The Easy Wood Tools & Woodcraft judges have conferred and the Super “Wood” Bowl Winners results are in! After 20 entries, we had many people try to enter after the deadline because they forgot! So remember us when you think about next year’s Super Bowl. Start turning now and mark your calendars!

“This bowl has great craftsmanship and brings all the disciplines of segmented turning into perfect harmony.”…Craig Jackson, President, Easy Wood Tools
Jim Morrison takes the pinnacle spot for a 1st place earning of the Easy Wood Tools set of Mid-Size Easy Hollower’s; No. 1, No. 2, and No.3 (Woodcraft items #153522, #153523, and #153524).

According to Jim, the concept for this winning segmented bowl was based on a design from the prestigious turner, Malcolm Tibbetts. This bowl is made from 40 tapered segments and assembled into a 12″ disc with Holly and Veneer, alternating segments. The disc is cut into 45 degree layers and reassembled in the form of a stacked bowl.

Here is a collage of Jim, his work, and the crew at Codger Lodge.
The bottom star pattern is made from 60 degree segments. The majority of the bowl was turned with a 3/8” bowl gouge, then sanded and finished with urethane.
Jim began his journey in high school woodshop class, learning through books and has since been a self-taught woodworker. With over 30 years experience as a furniture builder and turner, he has enjoyed exhibiting at the Harvest Moon Festivals, demoing at the Mountaineer Wood Turners events and mentoring with the guys on Turning Tuesdays at Codger Lodge. He has also won many ribbons for various exhibits at the Mountain State Arts and Crafts Fairs in Ripley WV, and the Harvest Moon Show exhibit in 1999. In the past, Jim’s artisan talents have also been used in television advertisements for Woodcraft. When Jim’s not hanging around the Woodcraft of Parkersburg store in West Virginia, you will find him in his shop or helping some else in their shop.

Bill Wyco takes 2nd place and the $50 Gift Card from Woodcraft, with his 8.25 x 5 x 1/16 thick Maple Burl, Bubinga & Gaboon Ebony bowl. The process for making the cross like holes is done by taping all the segments together with joint sides flat against the table and running them over a router bit with the desired shape. Then untape the segments, flip them over and do the same to the other sides of the segments. The finish is a 3 stage method using an oil, a polyurethane and a wax to round it out.
“Outstanding use of contrasting woods. Bill’s craftsmanship is top notch and the cutouts are a real eye catcher”…Craig Jackson

Bill began as a framer when he was just 19. By the time he was 25, he purchased an Incra Miter System, and created a double-devil dovetail miter keepsake box. (Say that 10 times fast!) In 2006, he witnessed his first midi-lathe demo, and was “floored and inspired” by Ray Allen as he created a 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft tall, 7000 piece segmented wooden round bowl. He was so inspired that he bought Ray’s book and his first lathe. Today, Bill enjoys 3 lathes in his two shops (home and office), with the Jet 1221, Jet 1442, and a Powermatic 4224.
Bill is the proprietor of Audio 2000, specialists in car stereos, speakers, amplifiers, alarms, mobile video, navigation, radar detectors, custom fabrication and wooferbox building. They are skilled in the use of plexiglass, carbonfiber, fiberglass, custom paint, custom upholstery and fine woodwork. The Woodcraft of Orange Grove in Tucson Arizona is on a first name basis with Bill as they have helped him with all of his woodworking needs including classes, selection of woods, tools and the camaraderie of other woodworker contacts. His current turning project is this desert star segmentation. Once completed, it will look similar to Bill’s vase pictured.
Bill won a Woodcraft store turning contest several years ago and enjoys turning projects as thin as he can possibly get them. Here are additional examples of Bill’s turnings.
Other projects have included this humidor and a handcrafted workbench.

Ron Befferman, our third place winner is awarded a 2-year Subscription to Woodcraft Magazine. Ron emailed us to ask if he could enter his segmented French Horn into the contest, since it was slightly outside the proverbial “bowl” turning category. We just couldn’t turn him down with all of his outstanding talent.
“It is obvious that this is not Ron’s first day in the woodshop! This is likely the most complicated project submitted and although not a traditional “turned” project, it shows a level of skill and dedication above most other projects considered.”…Craig Jackson
Ron was raised in the Bronx of NYC and began his woodworking adventure nearly 25 years ago at the Woodworkers Woodshop in Pleasantville, NJ. Back then, Ron tells us, “You could rent 100 hours of shop time for $25.” The late Nelson A. Brown was Ron’s mentor in segmented wood turning. Woodworking compadre for many years, Ron still has Nelson’s photo hanging on the wall above his lathe in honor of his fastidious friend and advisor. Nelson taught Ron to be specific, measuring within a thousandth of an inch in wood detail!
Ron stated, “I found my niche in woodworking, and have created many one-of-a-kind projects, but am running out of room in our home for them!” As I spoke to Ron, over the phone I heard his wife Ruthann exclaim, “It’s my job to find a place to put them all.” Ron said, “At 75, I am fortunate to have found something to enjoy.” I am almost sure he was speaking of his woodworking, but he also mentioned that Ruthann was his third hand in the shop!
Ron is the founder of the Cape Atlantic Woodturners in Petersburg, NJ and has been the president of the club from 2003-2013. Ron stepped down from the club’s president position recently, handing it over to Gerald Bruman. The club has an active membership of more than 25 woodworkers, but are always open for newcomers. The club added an adult education outreach program at the vocational school to attract and teach the art of woodturning. Ron is still an active member and contributes to the clubs website. Recently, Ron has been experimenting with turning Corian and has posted this project on the Cape Atlantic Woodturners articles page.

In addition to woodworking 2-3 days per week, Ron hits the gym every day. “Being active, keeps my body young and woodworking keeps my mind engaged, which will give me another 10-15 years”, said Ron. In talking with Ron, it seemed he wasn’t a guy that was afraid to try and build anything beyond conventional. For it was at that Pleasantville shop that he built a grandfather clock, a wash basin and other projects that would have been complicated for the average beginner. But not Ron, as he is an artisan, creating outside of the box! His imagination, exceptional mind, along with an artistic flair, an eye for exquisite detail and his patience for perfection really show in his many creations in this video:

Jason Clark was awarded 4th place and a 1-year subscription to Woodcraft Magazine for his Ash Burl Bowl turning.
Jason first turned a baseball bat at the age of 10 under the tutelage of his grandfather. Being surrounded with hand and power tools and with a mom that enjoyed craft projects all the time, it didn’t take Jason long to become a well rounded woodworker. Growing up in Idaho, he watched the New Yankee Workshop with Norm Abram, where he first learned to turn a bowl. Jason’s outlook on woodworking is, “I don’t want to do anything that I can’t be good at…like golf! So I just do woodturning!”

Recently, Jason participated in his local Woodcraft store turning contest, in which he won 1st place with his Hollow Torus. See how he made it in this time lapse video below.

Now residing in Chandler Arizona, Jason is the president of the Arizona Woodturners Association (AWA), which is dedicated to the education, preservation and inspiration of the art of woodturning. Jason stated, “Every month our club meets to turn and raise money for local high school woodshop programs . We’ll have a 50/50 raffle where half goes to the club, half to the high schools. We started this program 2 years ago with an initial $1500 seed foundation amount raised by our AWA. We then go into local high schools and provide demos and instruction. We will ask the schools what their woodshop needs are, and then we head to Woodcraft. The Phoenix (Chandler) Woodcraft store knows me quite well, and they do a lot for me personally and for the AWA. Sometimes I go to them with perhaps $500 and ask, “What can you do for us? Woodcraft has responded with discounts, a lathe and tool donations for the schools. Our (AWA) goal is to get young high school age kids off the PC’s and into woodworking. We have been able to help 9 high schools in the last 12-18 months with turning tools, chucks, sanders and sharpening jigs.”

The AWA is also heavily involved with the American Association of Woodturners (AAW), where during the annual symposium, 25 kids ranging in ages from 10-17 participate in the young turners program. The Young Turners Program (YTP) is an AAW program designed to encourage and aid local chapters in working with youth, developing strong youth programs, and giving back to their communities. The yearly venue changes to cover as many communities as possible across the US. Each year local woodturner’s clubs like the AWA volunteer time, resources, and tools to help the young hone their skills in hopes of a woodworking future. JET donates 25 lathes and stands, Teknatool donates 25 chucks, Easy Wood Tools grants 25 sets of carbide turning tools, and Woodcraft adds face shields, glues, sandpaper, shop aprons and other turning accessories to the cause.
One final item Jason wished to share with our viewers is regarding safety. Back in 2008, Jason was working in a hurry in his shop. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two came by using a dull blade on his bandsaw. The wood he was cutting for a turning project was a Mulberry log. He was pushing through a hard spot in the wood, when a section of the wood fed faster through a softer area than he anticipated. His worst nightmare happened as his little (pinky) finger met the blade, cutting half way through the bone and tenon. Luckily he was only 2 miles from the nearest hospital, where they immediately transferred him to another hospital with one of the best surgeons available, and were able to save his finger. After 2 surgeries, 6 months of therapy, bills totaling more than $25,000 , time off of work, and (most important to Jason) valuable time out of his woodshop, his hand returned to almost 100% use. Jason concluded our interview by saying, “I tried to save 30 seconds by not adjusting the bandsaw table angle, not replacing a dull blade which is more dangerous than correctly using a sharp blade, forcing the wood through the dull blade, and having my hands in the line of fire. A fraction of a second is all it takes. I was in a hurry….DON”T BE!” Worst of all, Jason knew better with all of his woodshop experience.
Enjoy these, and more of Jason’s talents on his Facebook gallery.

Ed Dawson is our 5th place choice. He also wins a 1-year subscription to Woodcraft Magazine. His Bubinga/Walnut Lidded Bowl is 5 ¼” x 8 ½” (bowl is 2 ¼” high) and was turned from Black Walnut with a Mahogany and Maple accent for the transition to Bubinga for the bowl. The top is also Bubinga with a Walnut finial. Jamb chucks for the top and bottom were turned, enabling him to finish the bottom of the bowl with a smooth concave form and the interior of the top. To secure the top in the jamb chuck, he drilled a ½” hole in the center of the chuck that corresponded to the hole for the finial on the lid. A ½” dowel was used to connect the top to the chuck. The finial was turned separately from the lid and then inserted into the ½” opening. The bowl was finished with Tripoli, White Diamond and Carnauba Waxes. The bowl and lid were turned on a Teknatool Nova 3000 lathe with a Teknatool SuperNova2 Chuck, and various Sorby lathe tools. The finial was turned on a Carbatec mini lathe.
“A solid project for it’s design and incorporation of both a lid and a finial. the selection of woods are all similar, and have a good contrast to make the project all the more interesting.”…Craig Jackson

Ed remembers his dad having an old jigsaw from“Monkey Wards” using it for his home remodeling business. Ed carried on some of those family traditions after a 4-year stint in the Navy aboard the USS Arlington participating in many of the Apollo splashdown recovery missions. In the beginning of his Navy career, he developed his musical talent playing trumpet for the Drum & Bugle Corp. for the Great Lakes Naval Training Center.
Woodworking had more of a home value later in life, as he rebuilt his kitchen, made dorm furniture for his children, and also created furniture for other family members. This led to a woodworking hobby as he acquired more tools during the years. He started turning pens, bottle stoppers, and segmented bowls during the last couple of years. Being a self-taught turner through the education of magazines and online information, Ed likes to create items as thin-walled as possible, right down to the point in which they might “blow up”! Ed stated, “I don’t worry about making mistakes, I can always use it for firewood. I’m not afraid to experiment!”

Ed is a member of the Northeastern Woodworking Association (NWA) in Saratoga Springs, NY where they have an annual Woodworkers Showcase. Within the NWA is a special interest group called the Adirondack Woodturners Association (AWA). They are a nonprofit membership organization, dedicated to woodturning and the pursuit of woodturning knowledge, skill, experience, and fun! This year the AWA is presenting the Totally Turning Symposium in the same Showcase location. There are 12 presenters in this year’s Showcase. One of the presenters is Kurt Hertzog, who helped Ed along his journey while creating Keltic Knots in his pen turnings. Kurt provided a critical eye on Ed’s work, asking him, “Do you really want to know?” Kurt provided insights by having Ed turn his own precise wood bushings to create flawless transitions in the pens.
Ed receives lots of enjoyment perfecting his hobby mainly in the winter months, and relaxes during the summer months with a creative landscaping interest.
A fine group of woodturners representing our first Super “Wood” Bowl Contest. We hope to have another bigger and better contest next year. Congratulations to all the winners. All contestants who entered this year can be found with photos of their turnings at this Woodcraft Facebook Gallery link.
auf Wiedersehen!…Frank