Woodcraft Woodshop

Padauk Dimensional Lumber

Item #158563 Model PAR AP020.16
Regular price $2.99
Sale price $2.99 Regular price $2.99
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Woodcraft Woodshop

Padauk Dimensional Lumber

Item #158563 Model PAR AP020.16
Regular price $2.99
Sale price $2.99 Regular price $2.99
African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) is a medium to hard wood, color can vary, ranging from a pale pinkish orange to a deep brownish red. Most pieces. . . View More Details

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African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) is a medium to hard wood, color can vary, ranging from a pale pinkish orange to a deep brownish red. Most pieces tend to start reddish orange when freshly cut, darkening substantially over time to a reddish/purplish brown. The grain is generally straight to slightly interlocked with a fine to medium texture. Padauk is easy to work, though it does have a moderate blunting effect on cutters. Tearout may also occur during planing on quartersawn or interlocked grain. A popular hardwood among hobbyist woodworkers because of its unique color, some common uses for Padauk include: cabinetry, furniture, veneer, interior paneling, flooring, turned objects, musical instruments, tool handles and other small specialty wood objects.


  • Unique reddish orange color
  • Excellent choice for outdoor use due to being highly resistant to decay and insect attack
  • Glues, turns & finishes well (accepts both oil and water-based finishes)
  • Native to Central and tropical West Africa

What's Included:

  • (1) Padauk Dimensional Lumber


  • Wood is a product of nature, and as such, no two pieces are alike to start with, the same wood growing in different locales can vary greatly even though it is the exact same species.
  • Due to the nature of wood movement, shrinkage and expansion are possible. Please measure each piece carefully before starting any project.
  • Cut from quality, kiln-dried stock. The grain runs with the longest dimension.
  • Thin Stock is sawn to +/- 1/8" of the listed size.
  • Carving and Turning Blocks are sawn to +/- 1/4" of the listed size.
  • Plywood sizes are nominal, the dimensions are +/- 1/8" of the listed size.
  • Larger blocks are sawn to +/- 1/4" of the listed size.
  • Smaller blocks are sawn to +/- 1/8" of the listed size.
  • Spindle stock, or stock that is 1-1/2" - 2" wide is sawn to +/-1/8" of the listed size.
