All Levels
Epoxy & Wood Charcuterie Board
with Robert DedinskyPart 1: Thursday, February 13, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Part 2: Thursday, February 20, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Using resins and epoxies can help create beautiful projects, but which resin or epoxy is right for the job? Do I use a urethane resin or do I use an epoxy? (Wait, there’s a difference?!) How deep can I pour my resin or epoxy? What happens if I don’t mix using the correct ratio of resin/epoxy to hardener? How much do I pour? These are all questions (and then some) that will be answered during this class. In this two day class, we will be using the Jess Crow HDPE Reusable Forms to create a hybrid wood and epoxy cutting (or charcuterie) board. Day one will consist of a discussion about resin or epoxy and by the end of day one, students will pour TotalBoat ThickSet epoxy into an HDPE form that will become their own creation that they take home after day two. On day two (one week later), students will work with their demolded creations to flatten them and turn them into beautiful cutting boards or charcuterie boards that they will finish (during the class) and take home.