During a recent seminar at the Toledo, Ohio Woodcraft store, four instructors gave us their knowledge regarding different ways to cut dovetails. Hand-cut dovetail discipline was shown by Dennis Laney in part 1. Half-blind dovetails with the Porter Cable 4200 Series Jig was taught by John Nystrom, and we were enlightened by Carl Kuhnle on the Leigh Super Jig, both in the second blog, parts 2 & 3. This 4th part seminar wraps up the Dovetail Discovery Center Seminars with Chad Stanton, a very personable, talented, and knowledgeable woodworker schooling us on compound dovetail joints.

Chad Stanton, a professional furniture maker from Toledo, Ohio, has owned his furniture making business, Stanton Fine Furniture, LLC for the past 13 years. He is a custom furniture builder with remodeling services, and a licensed contractor. His list of remodeling services include drywall, flooring, trim, doors, framing, minor electric and plumbing, painting, tiling, countertops, and much more. Building his own style of furniture, and making customer specific designed furniture are just a small part in the big picture of whom and what Chad is. In addition, Chad is a member of the Professional Remodeling Organization, Society of American Period Furniture Makers, and a contributing editor for American Woodworker Magazine. In this case you could say he is a jack of all trades and master of them all too!

Beyond that, Chad is a “people person” who knows how to convey his craftsmanship to others by using a different technique. His patience is a virtue, and his teaching style is calm, to the point, yet educationally funny. He developed his style of stage presence when he taught English classes to children and adults in Korea. At first, teaching them was difficult while using standard teaching methods, but Chad decided to use humor to instill knowledge in his classes. Chad was correct; developing memory skills in the students by combining teaching with entertainment made his English classes a remembered success. Chad thought “If this works in teaching English, perhaps I can incorporate this in teaching woodworking.” Chad occasionally heres from some of his students in thanks for his teaching efforts.

During his career in Korea, Chad continued with woodworking still in his heart from his childhood days learning from his grandfather. For it was his grandfather that taught him to work with his hands on car repairs, and woodworking. In middle school his grandfather helped him with a wooden bottle opener project, and his woodworking table was set. He made more bottle openers that summer, then selling them. Eventually acquiring his ASE Certification, Chad found there was no creativity in putting a car back to the way it always was. Continuing his woodworking interest on the side, his creative passion and respect for this type of vocation would grow in his heart, mind and hands, knowing one day that this is what he truly wanted to do. He continually read books to keep woodworking sharp in his mind. The library was and still is his favorite place of refuge and knowledge. Chad stated, “The library is a forgotten source with true factual publications,” and “My love of books allowed me to stay in the woodworking world when I could not do it.”

Returning to the U.S. with his wife Bo, Chad came back to his roots in woodworking. Using his creativity, art and skill, he found the way to becoming a professional woodworker, and business man, creating his Stanton Fine Furniture Company. In Chad’s words, “Satisfaction from my mind to my hands for my customers.” Check out Chad’s furniture and product videos on his in-process new website: http://www.stantonfinefurniture.com/. Chad can also be contacted through his Stanton Fine Furniture Facebook page.
Here a video on Chad’s remodeling capabilities…

Carving is also in Chad’s repertoire…

During the Dovetail Discovery Center Seminars at the Woodcraft Toledo, Ohio store, Chad instructed us on compound butt joints…
…history of the dovetail, and compound dovetails. Chad’s expertise related well to the attendee’s of the seminar as he interacted while teaching and entertaining the crowd.
Enjoy Chad’s in depth Wood Choppin’ Time! videos on compound butt joints followed by the dovetail angles video…
In these Wood Choppin’ Time video’s, Chad displays some humoristic anecdotes, as he portrays the fun side of woodworking in teaching for all ages, but teaching kids is really where his heart is!
Now you might say that Chad is definitely a different kind of teacher, however his goal is to focus on the kids out there, and help them grow as woodworkers. “You got to be a kid even if you are an adult, because woodworking should be fun!” says Stanton. He enjoys poking fun at himself, stating, “If I can do it, you can do it.” Chad hopes “The take-a-way for the kids is the “you-can-do-it”, mentality.” He teaches by giving the idea that, “Woodworking is not just a good hobby, but can be a career that you do not have to wait for retirement to acquire.”
I got to know Chad a bit through our conversations and interviews both in person, and over the phone. As we talked about woodworking, he mentioned, “Each piece I make is near and dear to my heart, and I hope that it shows in my work.” His future aspirations are to develop and teach programs or television shows that will enable young people of all ages to grow and engage in the world of woodworking.
Please check out the next class or seminar by Chad Stanton by contacting the Woodcraft Toledo Store, you will not be disappointed!