The Sawdust Chronicles and Phil Lowe at Wood Expo

At the New England Home Show in Boston, Rick Waters of The Sawdust Chronicles, and The Woodcraft Adventures Blog had a chance to learn from Phil Lowe during The Wood Expo 2011. Check out Rick’s video of Phil’s critique on Marty MacKinsie’s table at or by clicking on the icon photo below. The Sawdust Chronicles (TSDC) is a podcast defined by its dedication to educating beginning woodworkers by operating the Sawdust Chronicles non-profit site through donations. Woodcraft and Woodcraft Magazine have sponsored conferences and corporate contests with Sawdust Chronicles.

Phil Lowe is the Director and Master Craftsman of The Furniture Institute of Massachusettsandhas been involved with woodworking since 1968, authoring many articles in “Fine Woodworking Magazine”. He is featured in the “Time Life” series on woodworking and in videos with The Taunton Press on “Carve a Ball and Claw Foot“, “Making a Sheraton Bed” and most recently, “Measuring Furniture for Reproduction“. His teaching experience includes ten years (1975 -1985) as an instructor at Boston’s North Bennet Street School, where he was positioned as department head for the latter five.

Since 1985 Phil has operated a furniture making and restoration shop in Beverly, MA, producing work for the private sector and museums throughout North America. In 1997 Phil started The Furniture Institute of Massachusetts which offers hands-on classes in all facets of traditional furniture making. Phil has been a visiting instructor and demonstrator at various schools and woodworking organizations throughout the United States and Canada.

For more information about Phil and his classical approach of woodworking techniques or about the teachings at his Furniture Institute of Massachusetts, please visit Phil’s website.

Phil was a guest of the Wood Expo 2011, demoing his craft, building a Williamsburg chair, and shaping cabriole legs.

We captured this event to share it with you:

Thanks Phil for your expertise at the Wood Expo 2011!

Some of the tools used by Phil during this demo can be found at Woodcraft

“Y” Chisel

Spokeshave, Item #150740

Rasp #49

Smooth Rasp #50

Card Scraper Set, Item #147419

Large Front Vise, Item #144805

Auf wiedersehen…Frank

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