The Pfeil Woodcraft Carving Contest Winner! Simply Amazing!

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Artist: Nairi Safaryan

Work: Jewelry Box

As you view this exquisite piece, it is hard to imagine that it sprang from one piece of pear wood. But using the influence of the grape vines so prevalent in Armenia, Nairi Safaryan crafts the block into a near perfect representation of grape vines. Natures adornment of vines and leaves curve to the contours of this box as created by the master carver and artist Nairi Safaryan. Large grape canes form the feet of the box, while the grape stems encompass the sides, sprouting tendrils of the vine, the fruit and the branches. This jewelry box is carved from pear wood. It is finished with beeswax and left unstained. The piece measures 12” x 8” x 8”.

Narai – Have a wonderful trip!

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