Scroll Sawn Basket


Objective To make a series of cuts to produce a basket using the lapover method.

Materials needed

(1) ½” x 7-1/2” x 9-1/4” long piece of wood

#3 skip tooth blade

1/64” diameter drill

1/32” diameter drill

1/8” diameter drill

3 small brads

Step 1: Make a copy of Practice Exercise 25 (enlarge the copy 130 percent) and attach it to a piece of knot-free wood.

Step 2: Prime and paint the top and bottom surfaces. (I chose pink for the sample.)

Step 3: Drill (63) 1/32”-diameter holes including holes at “a,” “b,” and “c” for the finish nails. 

Step 4: Drill one 1/8”-diameter hole for the eye.

Step 5: Drill the (61) 1/64-diameter holes. 

Step 6: Starting at starter hole “d,” cut out the round basket. 

Step 7: Make the exterior cut around the body.

Step 8: Make the five loop cuts. Try for sharp corners at each hole.

Step 9: Glue up the six layers using the five line-up lines.

NOTE Each level is rotated 15 degrees and glued together to create a basket assembly. 

Dry fit the pieces before gluing them.

Step 10: Add 3 brads to secure the basket assembly and the foot.

Step 11: Glue the basket assembly to the body.

Step 12 Rotate the “foot” 90 degrees and glue it in place.

This article is excerpted from Scroll Saw Workbook Copyright © 1999,2003 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc. 

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