Rudolph and Olive (the Other Reindeer)

Notched scrollsawn pieces connect for holiday cheer

'Twas the week before Christmas, and down in the shop, I had been sanding without any stop. When from upstairs came a cry of dismay: When will you ever complete the display? Away to the scrollsaw I flew like a flash, and cranked out some reindeer for not too much cash. A few bits of plywood, some patterns and such, sawn with precision, I came through in the clutch. Notched at the joints and finished with care, I soon had a herd to cease the despair. My critters were ready to frolic and so, were given a home amidst mistletoe. Made with birch plywood, from Russia in fact, chosen to keep the pieces intact. Finished with spray paint augmented with glitter certain to keep young eyes all atwitter. And now I beseech you to saw out some deer to bring to your family holiday cheer. 

Leave a handle. Make all the pieces from 1⁄8" plywood. When cutting small parts such as the ears, leave them attached to a longer handle to keep your fingers safe. 
Finesse the fit. If your pieces are hard to slide together, adhere sandpaper to a thin stick with double-faced tape and sand the insides of the notches to widen them.

Order of Work

  • Adhere patterns to plywood
  • Cut to shape
  • Sand and finish
  • Assemble and go down in history

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