Reader Showcase: Issue 107

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Robert Sherriff,
Norwalk, CT

High as a meow-ntain. Woodworker and cat aficionado Sherriff built this stylish stand for his three Maine Coons, Kiki, Fat Boi, and Slim. The cylinders are kerf-bent birch plywood. After bending each side around a plywood disc, Sherriff used construction adhesive to hold it in place and fill the kerfs. He liked the look so much he decided not to veneer the inside surfaces. After building the two 17" diameter beds, he attached them with solid maple strips for a 36" overall height. We’re sure the cats appreciate Sherriff’s hard work.

Donald Lemma,
Gladstone, NJ 

Keep the change. When hobbyist woodworker Lemma wanted to store his collection of more than 100 U.S. Morgan Silver Dollars, he designed and built this slick display. The case and drawers are constructed of padauk and finished with Danish oil and shellac. Lemma used a shop-made drill press jig to locate and bore 25 coin holders in each drawer. First he bored through the shelf with a Forstner bit slightly smaller than the coin, before cutting a concentric partial-depth hole with a coin-sized bit. This created a shelf for each coin to sit on where both sides of the coin are visible.

Brian Tandrow,
Boise, ID

We see your drawers. In need of a new dresser for his primary bedroom, Tandrow blended several designs to create this three-drawer version. The chest measures 38 × 36 × 21" and is made of ash. Tandrow finished the piece with Odie’s wood butter and added some brass knobs. Most importantly, he says his wife likes it.

Jason Crooks,
Temple, TX  

Zebra of a Different Color. After more than two decades woodworking, Crooks took up the scroll saw three years ago and hasn’t put it down since. For this painted zebra, he covered the surface of his plywood substrate with packing tape before adhering his pattern with spray adhesive. He cut away the black “negative” spaces then painted the remaining stripes with neon acrylic paints. He finished by backing the cutout with a piece of black-painted plywood.

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