Intarsia is like painting with wood. This project will need at least five different “shades” of wood to achieve the desired effect, as shown in the finished project.Mainly, we chose 3/4-inch-thick Western Red Cedar for the different shades of the Owl and the Snowman’s hat, scarf and “arms.” Aspen was chosen for the light areas that comprise the body sections and the snow foreground. Almost any type of wood will work: as always, the main guidelines are color and grain configuration. We like to work with wood that has knots so the grain character around the knot can be incorporated into parts of the Intarsia piece. Alternative woods are listed in the “Wood Selection” box on this page.

“Oh Hoot” and his frosty friend have been a source of Holiday inspiration and year-round favorites for over a decade at the Roberts Studio. We think you’ll enjoy scrolling them, too!