Let's Talk About Router Bit and Saw Blade Maintenance

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You need to be careful when handling your bits (and blades) The cutting edge of your blade or bit is most likely tungsten carbide which is great because tungsten carbide is super strong and dense so it will cut well and stay sharp for a long time. However it can also be brittle. If it receives a sudden impact in a way it wasn't intended to, like being dropped on a concrete floor, it may end up chipped or cracked. 

 Proper handling goes hand in hand with proper storage. If you pile all of your blades and bits into an empty drawer ,where they have room to roll around as the drawer is opened and closed, pretty soon carbide is going to meet carbide and one if not both of the pieces are going to end up broken. The ideal way to store your blades and bits is separated, or at least with a layer of protection between them. For some great storage solutions check out our other video here.

Resin Build up is probably the most common issue people have if they're blades aren't cutting well. A surprising number of people don't know they should clean their blades and bits! Resin build up on the edges of your tools leads to more friction, which causes more heat, which can lead to burning your wood. The buildup can also artificially dull the cutting edge so it doesn't work as well and can require more effort to force the cut which isn't safe. 

 Even though the cutting edge is tungsten carbide the rest of the blade (or bit) is typically steel. Steel can rust, so after you clean your blade (or bit) you want to spray it with a product like Bostik BladeCote. This will lubricate the cutting surface so you'll see less buildup in the future and it will also coat the steel and prevent rust.

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