Give a Jig Base a Magnetic Personality

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Ever wish you could find a way to hold your work in place on a cast-iron drill-press table without messing with cumbersome clamps that forever get in the way?

Recently during one of our pen turning classes at the Mobile, Ala., Woodcraft store we developed a fast and handy jig to hold the pen makers’ center-drilling vise in place using two Magswitch Mag Jigs. We first attached the vise to a piece of ¾" MDF. Then we added two 30mm Mag Jigs to the MDF, one on each side of the vise (note: the illustration has been modified for clarity). The one-piece jig becomes magnetic with the turn of the Mag Jig knob and holds the vise in place during the machining process. With the drilling complete, we turn the knob the other direction to switch off the magnets, freeing the jig to easily remove from the drill press. No more klutzy clamps!  Could be this idea will work with other jigs and cast-iron tools. 
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