Ergonomic Pushstick

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As a custom furnituremaker over the last two decades, I have been fine-tuning my pushstick design, having found fault with many commercial versions. Made from maple or beech, my shoe-style pushstick features a gently curving rounded-over handle that fits comfortably in my palm. It also eliminates the kind of wrist strain that can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome when performing repetitive tasks at the tablesaw or jointer. Bandsawn kerfs in the heel serve to catch the edges of cutoffs, allowing me to safely push them out of the way.

Better still, the 14 12" length keeps my hand well out of harm’s way without compromising control. To cover a variety of needs, I make my pushsticks in batches from 14"-, 12"-, 34"- and 1"-thick material.

—Tom Svec, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania

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