Welcome Paul Anthony to Woodcraft Magazine!

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Please Welcome Our Latest Heavy Hitter!

When the Yankees get a new slugger in their lineup they crow about it. When we get one atWoodcraft Magazine, we crow too. In our ongoing effort to produce the best mass-appealwoodworking publication in the marketplace, it gives me great delight to introduce the latest heavy hitter to join our ranks. Paul Anthony comes to us with sawdust in his pockets, ink on his fingers and a permanently squinted eye from peering through a camera. A devoted woodworker for over 35 years, he ran his own custom woodworking business in California for 20 years before moving to Pennsylvania in 1994 to join the editorial staff at Rodale’s American Woodworker magazine. When the magazine was sold five years later, he joined the elite ranks of freelance woodworking photojournalists.

Since then, his writing and photos have appeared in all of the major woodworking magazines. He has also written three books on the subject, edited a dozen more, and has been featured in several instructional videos. In addition to his journalistic chores, he has taught woodworking classes around the country, in his shop, as well as at local schools and Woodcraft stores.

Paul currently resides with his wife Jeanie at their Bucks County, Pennsylvania home. In his new position as Senior Editor, he will be a regular visitor to Parkersburg while taking on a full load of writing, researching, editing, and photography on behalf of the magazine. Join us in welcoming Paul to the Woodcraft team.

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