Show Off: Issue 5

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Projects From Our Readers

Contemporary Coffee Table

David Fenton, Apex, N.C.
The curly maple base and top of this Asian-influenced coffee table are separated by two black walnut dovetail rails, a feature that both accommodates seasonal wood movement and creates a “floating top.” Fenton designed the 16" x 21" x 49" table in 3D CAD, continuing the dovetail theme with sliding, tapered dovetails attaching the rails to the legs.

Electric Guitar

Chris Normand, Mobile, Ala.
This guitar is Normand’s first attempt at making an instrument. The body is mahogany, cut to shape with a bandsaw and router. The lustrous finish is the result of an intense process that included applying wood filler, vinyl sealer and multiple coats of lacquer – not to mention many, many sandings.

Lidded Bowl

David Wade, Orange, Calif.
This 6" piece is turned from Tasmanian eucalyptus burl with accents of Brazilian rosewood, which is quite scarce. Wade’s rosewood came from the garage rafters of a friend, where it had been gathering dust for 20 years.

Writing/Laptop Desk

Don Clarke, Anderson, S.C.
The left surface of this inlaid-top teak desk rotates for holding a book or positioning a laptop, while the right surface remains stationary, providing space for drinks, papers or a computer mouse. The cantilever leg allows the desk to be used while sitting in an easy chair and is adjustable from 25½" to 32½". Eight wood species were used to create the inlaid top.


David Sapp, Franklin, Tenn.
This toolbox of hand-planed walnut measures 22" x 16" x 10". Sapp, owner of the Nashville Woodcraft store, spent three months working on the toolbox in the mornings before the store opened. Now he is filling it with fine tools.

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