Tune Up Your Magazine

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A woodworking shop demands periodic maintenance to function efficiently. Such upkeep can be as straightforward as sharpening plane irons and chisels. Other times, it may mean more effort, like upgrading tires on a bandsaw or replacing brushes in a router. These routines can also lead to some tough decisions. Perhaps an old power tool doesn’t cut as precisely as it once did, or maybe it never worked that well and takes up valuable space. This kind of shop maintenance is synonymous with that of a woodworking magazine.

In addition to the sharp, well-tuned projects and techniques offered on these pages, we provide a selection of departments, including Tips & Tricks, WoodSense, Tool Reviews, and Outfeed, among others. Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove one or two of these departments to make room for something new. Because we don’t want to be chucking one of your favorites, we’d like to know what they are.

We’re asking you to visit woodcraftmagazine.com and simply rate the 10 departments as you like. It should take no more than five minutes. If you prefer, fill out the same survey printed on page 58 of this issue, and mail it to us. In return, you will automatically be entered to win one of 20 two-year subscriptions for either yourself or the person of your choice. Note that I’m posting this request here rather than on social media because we want to hear from you, our regular readers who know and understand the magazine.

While you’re thinking it over, check out this issue’s department offerings. See what your fellow readers are saying (p. 8) and what they’re building (p. 10). Read comprehensive reviews of new tools from Kreg (p. 12) and ISOTunes (p. 14). Starting on page 16, you’ll find clever clamping tips along with novel approaches for installing Euro hinges and getting light where you need it. Learn about thermally-modified woods (p. 52) or the basics of CNC (p. 20). And flip to page 54 for good words on great gear or page 64 for quotes from a few clever craftsmen.

So, let us know what you think of the content. Are we providing you with the right tools for the kind of work you do? Take pride in ownership, and help us keep your magazine humming like a well-maintained shop.

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