I built the “Compact Clamp Cart” from the Oct/Nov 2018 issue and hung my clamps as you show in the article. But my cart tips forward from the weight. I store heavy items on the shelves on the opposite side, but it’s not enough. Do you have any thoughts on how to stabilize the cart?
—Milan Vondracek, via email
I’m sorry that you’re having problems with the clamp cart, Milan. Modifications are great, but sometimes little details make a big difference. Getting the cart balanced just right was the trickiest part of the design process. Loading up the reverse side and end (see top photo) will help, but if removing one of those tools still causes your cart to tip, then it’s not a good long-term solution. Here’s a suggestion that should help. Reposition the ladder assembly so that the weight of the clamps sits above the wheels. Redistributing the weight inward will lessen the cantilever effect.
—J. H-W.