Hot New Tools: Kreg Accu-Cut Circular Saw Guide Track System

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Track saws excel at breaking down sheet goods, but they can be pricey. Kreg’s new tracksaw system aims to change that. The Accu-Cut kit comes with two 24"-long tracks that can be joined together to make cuts up to 48" long. You also get a plastic sled that rides on the track and mounts to the shoe of most left- or right-hand direct drive circular saws. The shop-made saw guides I’ve used need to be clamped in place and don’t always give me splinter-free cuts. But the Accu-Cut’s anti-slip strips keep the track in place without clamps, and a replaceable anti-chip strip keeps the cut clean. The starting block is another nice feature, providing a platform from which to trigger your saw before entering the workpiece. Once you start cutting, a curved notch in the starting block helps manage the power cord. The system is quick and easy to use. Simply mark the beginning and end of your cut line, then align the blue strip to your marks, and cut. I test-cut several types and thicknesses of sheet goods, and the Accu-Cut delivered accurate, splinter-free cuts every time. I hope Kreg decides to make an extension pack so I can rip a full sheet at 96". But for now, anyone can have a track saw for only $80.

Tester, Chad McClung
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