Hand Plane Innovations with Scott Phillips & Rob Cosman

At the Woodcraft Vendor Trade Show in Nashville we brought together the three musketeers of woodworking knowledge, Rob Cosman, Your Hand Tool CoachScott Phillips of The American Woodshop, and Jeff Forbes, President of Woodcraft. Throughout the week these swashbuckling resourceful idealistic heros of wood covered every vendor booth, talked with everyone at the show, and acquired more knowledge to bring back and share with all of the woodworking world.

Rob was drawing crowds, thirsty for woodworking education, teaching hand dovetail joinery, hand plane tool instruction, and bench plane sharpening techniques. Scott was discussing his 18th PBS season of the American Woodshop, creating video demos, talking and learning about new hand and power tools offered by the attending vendors, and sharing his woodworking insights with everyone stampeding him for woodworking knowledge from all directions. Jeff was covering every direction on the floor, doing everything he could to make the trade show successful for Woodcraft vendors and franchisees, while getting in a few product videos, like the one with Scott and Rob above.

Below, Scott interviews Rob explaining the hand blade sharpening techniques. This video covers in detail the sharpening process that can be done in less than 10 minutes. Keep this one handy for future reference…

Rob also gave a presentation to the Woodcraft franchisee owners regarding proper tool usage, techniques, and how customers can get the most out of their tools with proper instruction from Woodcraft employees.

Rob participated in a live Home Front radio broadcast with Danny Lipford and Allen Lyle, discussing his background, skills and role at the trade show,


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