Bowclamp – It’s a “Good Caul”

For a caul to work properly, and evenly distribute clamping pressure, the caul’s curve must be “perfect”. If you are like most woodworkers and have had less than satisfactory results when using homemade cauls, it is most likely due to a less than perfect curve. Using modern CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology, and several years of wood research, Bowclamp® developed a process that creates a true curve on quartersawn hard maple blanks to ensure perfectly even distribution of clamping pressure across a clamped surface.

So if you are tired of getting uneven glue-up pressure on your projects from individual clamps, go to Woodcraft and get great results from these new multi-purpose Bowclamp products now available at Woodcraft stores and online.

  • Quartersawn hard maple
  • True curved clamping surface
  • 24″ length with T-Slot
  • Leather strap for storage
  • Made in the USA
Available in 4ft. length individual packs.
Craig Feuerzeig of Zig Industries stopped by the Woodcraft Shop for a demonstration. See just how versatile these Bowclamps are.
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