Four Fab Faux Finishes

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Faux finishes are a lot of fun to paint and can be simulated with just a few simple steps. This project features four unique looks, and we’ll show you how to create each one. We used 8" paper-mache letters purchased from a craft store for this tutorial. The letters H, O, M and E each have a different technique used.

Faux Finish #1 – Oxidized Bronze

Colors Needed: 
General Finishes Bronze Pearl Effects
General Finishes Patina Green Milk Paint.

1.    Apply 1-2 coats of Bronze Pearl Effects. Let dry between coats.
2.    Using a chip brush, dab on random spots of Patina Green.
3.    While still wet, go back over with more of the Bronze Pearl, layering if necessary, until you get a mottled look.

Apply 1-2 Coats of Bronze Pearl Effects

GF Patina Green Milk Paint or Black Dog Salvage Furniture Paint "Retro Blue" mix

Dab on random splotches of Patina Green (or Retro Blue)

Layer on more Bronze Pearl, alternating until the look is mottled

Faux Finish #2 – Aged Metallic 

Colors Needed:
Gray base coat – 50/50 mix of General Finishes Milk Paint Queenstown Gray and Seagull Gray
General Finishes Pearl Effects – Argentine, Bronze and Tawny
General Finishes Pitch Black Glaze

1.    Paint 1-2 coats of gray base coat.
2.    Paint Argentine Pearl thickly in a crisscross manner leaving strokes visible.
3.    Paint Bronze and Tawny Pearl randomly in a few spots in crisscross manner. Let dry.
4.    Apply Pitch Black Glaze with a chip brush. Blot off immediately with a crumpled paper towel. 

Apply 1-2 coats of gray base coat
Crisscross with Argentine Pearl

Crisscross with Bronze and Tawny

Apply glaze and dab off

Faux Finish #3 – Rust Effect

Colors Needed:
Black Dog Salvage Furniture Paint – Dirt, Caution Dogs at Work, I Need a Bandage and Black Dog. 
Also need Fine Sand

1.    Create a palette of the 4 colors. Add sand.
2.    Stipple on layers of colors with a chip brush, making sure to mix in sand for a rough base. Let dry.
3.    If needed, add more layering with less sand to variegate the colors. 

Create palette with paint and sand
Stipple on 

Layer colors as needed

Faux Finish #4 Cracked Leather


Colors Needed:
General Finishes Queenstown Gray Milk Paint or Black Dog Salvage Furniture Paint Mix – either “Coal Dust” or “Fog”
General Finishes Millstone Milk Paint or Black Dog Salvage Furniture Paint Dog Bone
General Finishes Van Dyke Brown Glaze
General Finishes Burnt Umber Glaze

1.    Apply 1-2 coats of gray. Let dry.
2.    Apply a 50/50 wash of water and Millstone or Dog Bone. Blot with crumpled newsprint or paper towel. Let dry.
3.    Brush on Van Dyke Brown glaze. Blot with crumpled plastic wrap. Let dry.
4.    Brush on Burnt Umber glaze. Blot with crumpled plastic wrap. Alternate glazes and texture until cracked leather look is achieved. 


Apply 1-2 coats of gray
Add a light wash then blot off

Brush on brown glaze then blot off

Brush on burnt umber glaze and blot off


Which faux finish is your favorite? Stop by your local Woodcraft store for paint, glazes, brushes and more to complete your next project. We're here to help! 

We hope you'll be inspired! 


Oxidized Bronze
Aged Metallic

Rust Effect

Cracked Leather

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