What was your career background prior to owning a Woodcraft store?
Matthew: Furnituremaker.
Why did owning a Woodcraft store appeal to you?
I was ordering from the catalog and saw that there were franchise opportunities. Since I had such a large passion for woodworking and it was from a company that I enjoyed purchasing from, I thought it would be a great blend for me. The other aspect is that with buying a franchise you have a set program that works. A lot of the small to large details that you would have to figure out on your own are already done for you by Woodcraft – a proven entity.
What was your biggest concern?
My biggest concern was that it was a large investment and, as with any business, there is a risk of loss. There is a lot of competition where my first store is located, and I wondered how I was going to compete. Also my background wasn’t largely in retail.
What’s it like being a multi-store owner?
I enjoy being a multi-store owner, and that was my ultimate goal. Yes, there is more work to be done and travel is involved, but the rewards are worth it. One advantage is being able to buy larger shipments of product and being able to transfer product around.
What’s it like working with your son?
My son started working for me two years ago. He is now running my largest store and doing a fantastic job. He guided the store to its best year ever in 2021. I am very proud of his work and commitment. I think it is most parents’ dream to see their child take an interest in their job, but the desire to buy into it is an unexpected bonus. He will be purchasing his first store from me in 2023, and I look forward to seeing what he does with it. Most of all, it’s been fun.
How has Woodcraft been helpful in your success?
Woodcraft has a solid foundation to start with. When first starting out, follow their guidelines and you are on your way to success. After a year or two, you can start expanding in different directions. Woodcraft takes care of your print ad materials, which is a huge bonus. Obviously being able to purchase items direct from Woodcraft has huge benefits also, especially since you can order as few items as you need.
What advice would you give someone considering a Woodcraft franchise?
Make sure you are financially sound. TALKING TO OTHER OWNERS is a very important step. They have invaluable information. You need to be ready to put in the hours. It’s not a 40-hour a week job. Do not overspend right away. Get started, then you can grow.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of owning Woodcraft stores?
Owning a Woodcraft store has been very good for me and my family, both financially and as a way of life. You own your own business, so you are in control of your life. Meeting other owners has been quite rewarding. The amount of expertise they bring has been beneficial to the running of my stores. I thoroughly enjoy owning Woodcraft stores.